To catch everyone up on what is going on in our lives. I want to give a quick run down of us. Currently, we are both full time working professionals. Needless to say we are both blessed to work for great companies and have fantastic bosses.
We are head mentors with the Western PA Team in Training chapter. We have been mentors for the past few years and just recently been asked to step into the head mentor duties. We are thrilled to be able to continue the fight against blood cancers.
We love to run. Like really love to run. We are Marathon Maniacs. We joined this crazy group after running 3 marathons in 3 months. I joined the Half Fanatics after running half marathons on back to back weekends (Nike Women's half marathon & Pittsburgh half marathon).
We are into obstacle course races, preferably Spartan Races because it gives us the most challenge and competition.
We crossfit. I don't think we are very good at it but we really love how much stronger we are as runners because of it.. We are grain/dairy/soy free. I hate to categorize us as Paleo but we follow a mostly Paleo lifestyle. That means meat, nuts, fruits and vegetables. We do drink coffee with half & half and some sugar. We indulge in the occasional pizza and beer and blizzards.
Basically, we are two peas in a pod. If one of us is doing something, the other one is sure to follow. We are always talking each other into something. Usually it is something crazy. But that is what makes us such a great couple.
I guess the most fitting first post would be to do a list of what is on our race schedule for the upcoming months. So here we go....
July 13: Pennsylvania Spartan Sprint - Palmerton, PA
August 24: Virginia Super Spartan - Nellysford, VA
September 15: Erie Marathon at Presque Isle - Erie, PA
October 20: Nike Women's Marathon (Katie) - San Francisco, CA
November 3: EQT 10 miler - Pittsburgh, PA (Tentative)
November 10: Marshal Mangler 25K trail race - Pittsburgh, PA (Tentative)
November 16: Thunder Road half marathon - Charlotte, NC (Tentative)
See?! We don't have that much going on! Just squeeze in 3 weddings, Pitt tailgates, weekend getaway to Lake Placid to watch the Ironman and a week long cruise and you have it all.
Other than that, we are always working to find balance in our lives. We love training and racing but we also love hanging out with our friends and working on our house. We have two totally awesome families who put up with all our antics. My mom is probably our #1 fan. We can't thank her enough for all that she does to support us. We couldn't do have the stuff we do with her encouragement and non-stop support. THANK YOU MOM!
So life in the Coperich household today, Ron and I just finished a weekend full of house projects. I was working on painting our kitchen cabinets while Ron updated our hideous flower beds in the front of the house. Needless to say, Ron's project looks fantastic and mine looks like a disaster. We are leaving for Charlotte on Wednesday after work so I'm a little pressed for time. I always get it done but things are going to be a little crazy until then.
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